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Scholarships available for 
NHS Wales Staff

funded by the Welsh Intensive Learning Academies

Vision & Mission

Cardiff Metropolitan University Eligibility, Allocation Process, Terms and Conditions, and Application Form

1. Scholarship Details & Purpose of the Awards


Scholarships are funded by the Welsh Intensive Learning Academies for NHS Wales staff.


The Welsh Government wish to support professional learners in the NHS, Social Care and Third Sectors in Wales to undertake education and personal development in key policy areas and has established an Academy programme for this purpose. Grant funding from Welsh Government allows each Academy to offer a number of generous scholarships for eligible applicants.


The offering of full-fee scholarships has kindly been extended to MSc modules, which are part of the Custom Medical Design courses run by Cardiff Metropolitan University. This currently incorporates modules 1 (Custom Medical Devices: Quality Management Systems) and 2 (Custom Medical Devices: Device Design). A limited number of funded places will be allocated in line with the criteria below.


If you would like to discuss your application for a funded place, please complete the application form at the bottom of this page or email the Programme delivery leads at SPD Academy.


2. Application Process


  • Students follow the standard Cardiff Metropolitan University MSc application process.

  • Students can apply for a funded place alongside their application for a position on the programme. However, applications for the funded places will only be considered following the decision that they are eligible for a place on the programme.

  • Students must complete the application form below, including their employer's support statement.

  • The Funded Places Award Panel will decide the award of Scholarships, and applicants will be advised. Those unsuccessful in the scholarship awards may take up their place as self-funding learners if they wish to do so.

  • Applications for Scholarships must be made by 6 weeks before the course start date by 4pm. Applicants will be notified of the panel's decision by 3 weeks before the course start date.

  • Students will not be paid the scholarship funding but will receive a notification on enrolment that their fees have been paid.


3. Scholarship Awarding Process


  • Scholarships will be awarded by the Funded Places Award Panel. The panel consists of the Programme Director, Delivery Leads and a cognate from another Faculty in Swansea University representing the Intensive Learning Academies.

  • Full fee scholarships are awarded on the evidence of the greatest benefit to the applicant, their employer and the patients, service users or community that they support as well as contributing towards the outcomes of a Healthier Wales. This decision will be based upon the evidence submitted in the application form from the applicant and their employer. In the event that not all scholarships are awarded, unallocated funded places will be carried forward for future courses.

  • The panel will agree in each funding round the exact allocation of scholarships in line with the amount of funding available and any unallocated places carried forward from previous cohorts.

  • Applications will be scored as set out in the application form below and ranked in each sector.

  • Applicants who are not-satisfied with the decision of the Funded Places Award Panel should contact Professor Dominic Eggbeer in the first instance.

  • A report on the allocation of funding will be made to the ILA Decision and Approval Board.


4. Eligibility


  1. Applicants need to meet the entry requirements for a place on the Custom Medical Devices, Master's level module

  2. Applicants must be:

  • Currently working with/for the National Health Service (NHS), in Health Care, Social Care or the Voluntary Sector in Wales, and

  • Have confirmation of support signed by their employer using the proforma provided by the University and

  • A UK national or have 'settled status' (that means no restrictions on how long applicants can stay in the UK); and

  • Living in the UK and Islands for the three years prior to the first day of the first academic year of your course.


​3. Applicants must be applying for one of the the Custom Medical Device modules commencing academic year 2023-24.

4. Fee Scholarships are available to candidates applying to full-time and part-time programmes of study.

5. The Scholarships are non-means tested i.e. will not depend on an applicant's family income.

6. Students who already have full or partial funding will not be considered


5. Terms and Conditions:


  • A full scholarship covers the tuition fees at the rate applicable during the time of study for the module to cover the full programme fees.

  • Candidates should apply for their fee scholarship alongside their application for a place on the programme

  • The Scholarship will be offset against Tuition Fee costs, and candidates cannot receive the scholarship directly.

  • Scholarships cannot be deferred; candidates must take up the scholarship by the date stated in the award letter.

  • Any scholarship offered to a candidate but declined prior to enrolment will be offered to a reserve candidate. Candidates will be notified as soon as possible; however, candidates on the reserve list are advised to look at alternative funding options as there is no guarantee that a Scholarship will become available.

  • Scholarship holders will be encouraged to participate in University marketing and recruitment activities.

  • A requirement of the Scholarship is that you complete(2) your studies. Once awarded a Scholarship, if a student withdraws from their Postgraduate Master's module, the Scholarship will be cancelled in full, and the student may become liable* for full repayment of any scholarship amount already offset against tuition fees.


* Students who withdraw on the basis of compelling personal reasons (for example, health, maternity) may not be liable for full repayment of the Scholarship


  • If it is deemed necessary for a Scholarship holder to suspend their studies, the Scholarship will be adjusted pro-rata up to the start of absence, and the balance of the scholarship held on University account and carried forward to the year of resumption of studies.


(2) Completion in this context constitutes the attendance at the entire course and completion of the required assessments.


6. General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR)


  • By applying to be a scholarship student, Cardiff Metropolitan University will be required to collect, store, use and otherwise process information about you for purposes connected with the application process and for reasons deemed necessary in order to take steps prior to entering into a contractual agreement with Cardiff Metropolitan University.


7. Equal Opportunities


  • Cardiff Metropolitan University and the scholarship funders are equal opportunities organisations. As such, we will operate an anonymous application process where personal details will not be visible to the panel.

  • Equal opportunities monitoring will be undertaken in line with Cardiff Metropolitan University's policy for equal opportunities.


Application Scholarship

Apply for a Scholarship

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